
On the 1st of December the RIGeL Excursions & Trips team organized a trip to NanoTemper Technologies GmbH in Munich (


NanoTemper Technologies GmbH was founded in 2008 and is a globally operating high-tech company providing solutions for biomolecular analytics, from basic to preclinical research. The company develops, produces and markets technologies like MicroScale Thermophoresis (MST) and nanoDSF, which are already used by thousands of scientists across the world. With the headquarter in Munich, and subsidiaries in the US, UK, Poland, Brazil and India, the company is rapidly expanding worldwide.

At the beginning of the day Dr. Dennis Breitsprecher, head of R&D, introduced the 35 PhD students to the company by giving a presentation about its history, products and technologies. Afterwards a guided tour through the lab, the production floor and the marketing and sales office area gave insides into the daily work processes and into the technologies and devices more in detail.

After lunch break PhD students joined interesting talks about the topic “options after your PhD – insides into sales, R&D, support and marketing”. Here, four NanoTemper employees presented their personal career paths and gave insights into their daily work at NanoTemper Technologies. After this talk session and during the coffee break students could talk to the presenters and discuss their research topics and plans until departure back to Regensburg.

As the agenda of this excursion was very interesting for all students, the organizing team would like to thank NanoTemper Technologies GmbH and all employees involved for this excursion!