
This year's Summer Academy of the RIGeL Section MEE started with a Team Event in the Kletterwald Regensburg on July 2nd. The first half of the day, we had to accomplish several challenges requiring coordination and cooperation of our team. Discussing and trying different solutions for the problems and thinking “out of the box” was an inspiring experience. The second half of the day started with a team parcours in the Kletterwald which could only be solved by working together and continued with several other climbing parcours.

The scientific part of the summer academy took place at University of Regensburg on July 3rd. The keynote lecture was given by Prof. Dr. Stefan Dötterl from the University of Salzburg. In his talk “Flower scent, the private language of plants: from liars and world champions” he gave an insight into the fascinating interplay between plants and their pollinators.

In the following three sessions, PhD students of the MEE Section presented results of their thesis with a broad spectrum of topics. The coffee and lunch breaks in between as well as the final get-together with snacks and drinks provided lots of opportunities to discuss and socialize.